Hearing Tests throughout Kansas and Kansas City

Our Hearing Evaluation Process

We offer hearing exams in the following offices: Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Ottawa, Overland Park, Manhattan, Gardner and Lee’s Summit. Learn more about our evaluation process below.

STEP 1: Case History

This is the part of the appointment where we learn about your history, symptoms and lifestyle

Neighborhood Hearing Aid Centers - Our Hearing Evaluation Process


  • Medical History

    We ask questions about surgeries, medications and other health issues that may be relevant to your hearing issues. If possible, please bring a list of your medications.

  • Experience Review

    To better learn about your challenges, we examine what symptoms you are experiencing and in what situations. This discussion sometimes includes a family member.

  • Lifestyle Review

    Your lifestyle is important to know for selecting the right solution to your hearing challenges. We take the time to get to know you to better understand your individual needs.

  • Noise Exposure

    Whether from military service, industrial settings, or concerts, noise exposure is a major cause of hearing loss. We discuss past and present noise exposure and evaluate possible needs for protection to prevent further hearing damage.

STEP 2: Otoscopic Ear Exam

Our Hearing Professionals will look in your ears, using an otoscope, to examine your eardrums and ensure that there are no obstructions or other problems. If necessary, they can remove excessive and impacted wax using a microscope.

Neighborhood Hearing Aid Centers - Our Hearing Evaluation Process

What We’re Looking For

  • Cerumen (Earwax)

    Too much earwax can block the sound entering the ear. Some cerumen is normal – we make sure your ear canals are clear and that earwax will not interfere with testing.

  • Ear Canal Health

    We want to ensure that there are no growths, cysts, signs of external infections, or other skin conditions. Believe it or not, foreign objects occasionally get stuck in your ear canal and obstruct the sound.

  • Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane)

    Your tympanic membrane, TM, or eardrum, is an important component to your hearing. The appearance of your TMs can indicate possible medical problems of the middle ear. We look for signs of infection, perforations, retractions, and more.

  • Appearance of Ear

    Our Hearing Healthcare
    Professionals will look for deformities, growths, skin tags, and possible abnormalities of the outer ear, ear lobe, and surrounding area.

STEP 3: Hearing Exam

We measure how you hear under various conditions

Neighborhood Hearing Aid Centers - Our Hearing Evaluation Process

What We’re TESTING

  • Air Conduction

    Using specialized headphones, we play tones at various frequencies across the spectrum and have you respond when you hear them.

  • Bone Conduction

    Using a small button behind your ear, we can directly stimulate the hearing nerve and determine possible blockages in the middle ear area.

  • Speech Testing

    Using speech at various volume levels, we evaluate your level of understanding (speech discrimination) for men’s and women’s voices. We test both in Quiet and with various levels of Noise in the background.

  • Uncomfortable Levels

    Testing your UCLs, or Uncomfortable Loudness Levels, helps us evaluate your dynamic range of hearing and understand which sounds are too loud for you.

STEP 4: Review Results

After the case history, otoscopic exam and hearing tests, our Hearing Care Professionals will review the results

Neighborhood Hearing Aid Centers - Our Hearing Evaluation Process


  • Audiogram Review

    We will plot the results on chart and also explain what they mean, how they relate to your hearing problem, and how they compare to normal hearing.

  • Medical Review

    If any red flags come up during the exam, our professionals may refer you to an appropriate specialist, and will coordinate care with your Primary Care Physician. .

  • Hearing Needs

    If hearing aids are indicated, we will recommend solutions that fit your unique lifestyle, hearing loss and budget. If appropriate, we will also discuss ways to best protect your ears from damaging sounds. A Hearing Aid Evaluation appointment may be scheduled

  • Hearing Aid Evaluation

    To best evaluate which hearing aids are most appropriate for your hearing loss, ear canal size/shape/acoustics, and to allow you to hear through hearing aids to better understand the types/differences.