Understanding the Degrees of Hearing Loss

You may have recently noticed that you aren’t hearing as well as you used to. Yesterday, you didn’t hear your loved one calling you from another room, and you’ve had a lot of difficulty hearing the TV and talking on the phone. You might wonder what other sounds you’re missing, or how severe your hearing loss really is. To understand …

Patients with Untreated Hearing Loss Incur Higher Health Care Costs Over Time

There are lots of reasons why you should get hearing loss treated: think of all the things you miss when you struggle to hear in every day interactions! With untreated hearing loss, you miss the birds singing outside and the whisper of “I love you” or “thank you Grandma” from a loved one. Studies show untreated hearing loss causes people …

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Kansas City

Take some time during the hustle and bustle of holidays to listen to the sounds of the season – excited children, carolers, holiday productions, church events, family gossip and updates from friends. At Neighborhood Hearing Aid Center, we want to make sure you stay connected to all the sounds you might be missing. This is a great season for sharing …