Musicians’ Concerns with Hearing Loss

Untreated hearing loss is a difficult experience for many people, especially musicians and music lovers. A recent study led by Jonathan M. Vaisberg, Ashley T. Martindale, Paula Folkeard, and Cathy Benedict in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, took a closer look at the experiences of musicians and hearing loss. These researchers engaged in a qualitative study of …

A Link Between Hearing Loss and Heart Health

Cardiovascular health is among the most important priorities when it comes to our general health. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that heart disease is the top killer among men and women in the United States, leading to mortality among nearly 610,000 every year. New research suggests that there is also a link between hearing loss and heart health. …

Sensitivity to Noise as We Age

SAs long as music has been amplified, and perhaps long before that, it has been common for older people to dislike loud sounds. From parents telling their children to turn down the music in their bedrooms to older people who complain about the music spilling out of cars and neighboring homes, noise sensitivity does increase as we age. Of course, …