Sensitivity to Noise as We Age

Sensitivity to Noise as We Age

There’s no way to get around it, things change and we change as we get older. It takes a little longer to mow the lawn, do housework, get ready in the morning and recharge. Things that bothered us before, we let slide. Things that didn’t bother us before, we may now find very annoying. One of the things you may …

In the Loop: Get the Most out of Your Hearing with Hearing Loop Technology

In the Loop: Get the Most out of Your Hearing with Hearing Loop Technology

Sometimes even with the best of hearing aid models, you may need a little extra help in certain environments with background noise. There also may be certain environments that are so large, with lots of space that would cause echoing, that you may need a little extra something. You can use a hearing loop with your hearing aids. You can …

The Benefits of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

There’s no better time to help yourself hear better than now. Hearing aids can improve your personal and professional life through better communication and the advances in Bluetooth hearing aids can keep you connected to your audio devices. We are well-versed in technological advances in hearing aids at Neighborhood Hearing Aid Centers and we offer free hearing tests. Call today …